Monday, November 23, 2009

Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert CDs out today!

I'm really trying to save money for Christmas presents, so I'm still deciding whether or not to buy these albums today after work. Even if I don't get them today or if I wait to get them as presents, I'm pretty excited about them.

First, I love Gaga's "Bad Romance." It's not quite overplayed on the radio yet, so I'm always waiting to hear it when I'm driving. I spent the summer constantly playing "The Fame," and because "Bad Romance" is so catchy, I'm sure I'll be listening to "The Fame Monster" just as much. The album's being released stand-alone with the eight new songs, but also in a deluxe edition with "The Fame," which is a really good deal, and I would totally get that if I didn't already own "The Fame."

Then there's Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment." I was distraught when Adam didn't win American Idol because he was the only reason it was worth watching this season, but I came to terms with his loss because he's going to do much better than Kris Allen. (Have you heard Allen's new single? Right.)

I remember Adam saying he would love to work with Lady Gaga, which he did right after the season of American Idol ended. They're both incredible entertainers - not just musicians, but entertainers because of their theatrical performances - so it's fitting that their albums are dropping on the same day. I'm excited to see how well they do. Also curious to see how many people buy both together.

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