Friday, February 13, 2009

2/12 Darwin's Meditation for the People of Lincoln

I don't think I've ever thought of a concert as a work of art, but "Darwin's Meditation for the People of Lincoln" was exactly that.

The piece featured Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR), who can really shred a violin. If you didn't think rocking out on a violin was possible, listen to DBR, man. I don't want to call it just a show because it was an entire composition with several elements coming together to celebrate the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, who were born just hours apart. It included narratives that juxtaposed Darwin and Lincoln's lives together, and the music varied from passionate salsa to soulful funk to emotional classical music. It all came together perfectly, and UConn was really lucky to have gotten this show on the day of Darwin and Lincoln's actual birthday.

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