Sunday, February 8, 2009

2/5 - Marissa Nadler

I'd never heard of Marissa Nadler before, but WHUS was putting on a free show, and I had originally planned on going to see Nick Swardson who canceled his performance that night, so it was something to do.

And Nadler was pretty good. Her music was very light indie folk, and she has a gentle, steady and haunting way of singing. Her songs were beautiful in ways that would touch someone who's really having a tough time. It was funny though, because in between songs, she would giggle with the band members and joke in a girly way about how she was hurt by the people leaving. Also, she would described some of her songs as "rock" or "crazy synth pop" even though as soon as she started singing, it sounded just like her other songs with repeated broken chords, lyrics reaching out to someone whose dad died last month or about a man who tries to give his wife some food, none of which sounded very "rock" or "crazy."

WHUS described Nadler as "up and coming," and from her between-song stories of people normally talking during her sets and her long struggling career, I hope so.

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