Monday, May 24, 2010

Dave Matthews Band kicks off tour in Hartford this weekend

This is where I'll be Saturday.

If you're a Dave Matthews Band fan, you've probably already heard that this tour is a pretty big deal and you should get there: The band is taking a break from touring next year.

The band released this news on May 14 in a post titled "A Message to Our Fans":

"As we feel the excitement building for this summer, we wanted to let everyone know that after twenty years of consecutive touring, Dave Matthews Band will be taking 2011 off. We feel lucky that our tours are a part of so many people's lives, and wanted to give everyone as much notice as possible. We're excited to make this summer one of our best tours yet, and look forward to returning to the road in 2012."

I didn't even realize they've been touring for 20 consecutive years - that's most of my life. They definitely deserve a break. But this also means that this tour is going to be awesome, and I'm really excited that it kicks off in my home state.

Also, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, a throwback R&B, soul band that's definitely worth watching, is opening. Super bonus!

Here's the tour schedule: The first two stops are this Friday and Saturday in Hartford at the Meadows.

(Photo from and I think it's a promotional one because it's on a lot of blogs.)

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