Monday, March 1, 2010

Quick thought: I wish this were a real song.

I've been really feeling a lot of songs in commercials lately. They've been quirky and fun, and often they're by indie artists getting awesome exposure this way. One of my new favorite songs isn't a song at all. I don't even know what Kayak is (and no, I didn't look it up even though I'm including this commercial here), but I love the song at the end: Estas listas? Estoy listo! Vamanos! (Are you ready? I'm ready! Let's go!) I did a quick google search and found that it's not a full song - it was recorded for the commercial. It really should be a song. I'd buy the album. It reminds me of fun summers in Spanish-speaking countries, and I love it. Maybe I miss Spain. Or maybe I need a vacation..

Anyway, if you've watched any TV lately, you've definitely seen this commercial. But if not, or if you need to refresh your memory, I've embedded it here. (You can go to the :18 mark and skip most of the kissing scenes.)

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